Today’s Read: Exit, Voice, Loyalty, Neglect

Caught this on HN. “Exit, Voice, Loyalty, Neglect: Why People Leave, Stay, or Try to Burn It All Down,” by Brett & Kate McKay.

The exit, voice, loyalty, neglect (EVLN) framework will help you understand why people stay in or leave a relationship (including friendships), why people stay in or leave a job, why people stay in or leave a church, and many more of life’s interpersonal and institutional dynamics. 

Definitely worth a read. I don’t agree with everything here but I think it’s a great starter point for discussions.

My observation is that people often use their voice when they are invested and want a situation to work. You’ve worked at Acme Corp for seven years, most of the time it’s been good. You like your job and co-workers, but growth and management changes have taken a toll. So you start speaking up trying to make things better. That is loyalty. Loyalty isn’t passive acceptance or blind hope that things will get better if someone else makes changes.

What this calls “loyalty” I’d call apathy, inertia, or lack of agency. “Things were good once, they will be again, so I can just wait it out.”

And neglect isn’t the same thing as “burn it down,” IME. I’ve seen both. Maybe it needs a section on sabotage…

Prolly going to write something longer on this for Dissociated Press when I have the time. A bit backlogged there.

WTF!? New site

I claimed this domain some time ago – more than six years ago, at least – but hadn’t quite figured out what I wanted to do with it. After paying for it for more than six years, it’s nice to be able to say that I’ve figured that out.

A few months ago I started drafting a post on my other blog and hesitated to pull the trigger. Too personal, I decided, for a blog that occasionally aggregated on Fedora’s Planet and got picked up elsewhere. I’m not making this site hard to find, but I’m also not going to be promoting it much.

Accordingly I’ve also lift and shifted a few more personal posts and my cat blogging to this domain. Still deciding whether I’m going to move anything else over, or if I’ll keep my music blogging on Dissociated Press.

This week I’m on staycation and decided to finally put some of my long-dormant domains to work. I put my portfolio site together a few weeks ago and and another blog were on my list for this week.

If you happen to stumble on this blog, welcome. It’s primarily for my own amusement, but if it happens to appeal to anyone else then that’s a bonus. Feel free to say “hi” in the comments if it pleases you to do so.