Monday fluffs

Lots of bad vibes on the internet today. Here’s a little cat action to boost your mood.

Murdercat at rest

Having a relaxing Caturday with Lilah, aka Murdercat, giving me the hairy eyeball. Bonus shot of Bubby and Willow.

Remember what’s important

Six years ago a good friend of mine passed away due to cancer. She was just shy of her 65th birthday and deserved so much more time.

Bubby and Sir Wobbles

Love the relationship these two have. Bubby and Sir Wobbles got along immediately the first time they met and Sir seems to have a little bit of hero worship going […]

A festive fancy cat

It’s been a long day. Here’s my tuxedo cat Lilah being as fancy as a cat can be.

Saturday cat blogging: Bubby blep

Having a great Caturday. Hope you’re doing the same!

Miss you, Laney

It’s been a year to the day since I said goodbye to one of the best cats that’s ever walked the planet. When I first got Laney, I put her […]

Sir Wobbles, an orange cat looking at the camera being dignified
Caturday cat blogging: From dignified to derp in three seconds

We have, it’s true, a ridiculous number of cats. With six to choose from you might think that I’d have a favorite or two, but I love ’em all equally. […]

Sam’s holiday sweater

Update: Sam actually likes his sweater. Or, at least, it chills him out. He’s an anxious cat and gets really anxious when we have a lot of company over (as […]

Sir Wobbles ponders
Sir Wobbles yells at birbs

We got a bird feeder a few months ago. Dollar for dollar it provides maximum return on entertainment budget.