Cupcake is our resident movie critic. I don’t think she cared for tonight’s movie.

Blogging, Books, Cats, Music, Mayhem
Cupcake is our resident movie critic. I don’t think she cared for tonight’s movie.
I claimed this domain some time ago – more than six years ago, at least – but hadn’t quite figured out what I wanted to do with it. After paying for it for more than six years, it’s nice to be able to say that I’ve figured that out.
A few months ago I started drafting a post on my other blog and hesitated to pull the trigger. Too personal, I decided, for a blog that occasionally aggregated on Fedora’s Planet and got picked up elsewhere. I’m not making this site hard to find, but I’m also not going to be promoting it much.
Accordingly I’ve also lift and shifted a few more personal posts and my cat blogging to this domain. Still deciding whether I’m going to move anything else over, or if I’ll keep my music blogging on Dissociated Press.
This week I’m on staycation and decided to finally put some of my long-dormant domains to work. I put my portfolio site together a few weeks ago and and another blog were on my list for this week.
If you happen to stumble on this blog, welcome. It’s primarily for my own amusement, but if it happens to appeal to anyone else then that’s a bonus. Feel free to say “hi” in the comments if it pleases you to do so.
Today is, if I don’t miss my count, 100 days since I started the 100 day blogging challenge. I’ve updated the site every day since November 21st last year.
It’s been a good exercise. Some days I don’t have a lot left in the tank after work, some days I feel like I could do two or three posts. Focusing here has been great for breaking the Twitter habit.
Question is whether I plan to keep going or take a break. The answer is… maybe? Not letting myself off the hook tomorrow, but I might give myself a few days off here and there. Next week I’m planning to attend SCALE, which will be my first work travel in quite some time. That might cut into any quality blogging time, or it might be something to do when I’m winding down after a long day at the event.
Also considering whether I want to split the blog up a bit into personal and non-personal. Right now and point here. I’ve been wondering how I could break out into a personal-only blog and have a more “professional” presence on It’s a bummer that hosting doesn’t make that easy.
Until tomorrow…
A few days ago I noticed that Lilah wasn’t eating very much. She’s never been particularly food-motivated, and it’s not uncommon for her to ignore her kibble all day and then take a big chunk out of the kibble overnight or whatever. Continue reading “Sick kitty”
Chalk up one more orbit around the Sun for me. Another year older and maybe a little wiser. Certainly the stretch between the last birthday and this one has been full of life lessons.
Not making much of a fuss about the birthday thing this year, just sort of quietly observing the occasion and spending time with the fam. A big slice of cake, some good food, perhaps just a sip or three of good Scotch, and a couple of presents to open.
The state of the world is… questionable… but I’m very happy with the people (and cats…) in my life and my quality of life. I have few wants for myself and am generally content. That’s a good place to be.
If you’re reading this and feel inclined to grant a birthday wish, though, I’d be grateful and very pleased if folks donated a few bucks to Animal House, Independent Animal Rescue, The Trevor Project, or any good cause.
I get songs stuck in my head all the time, but usually it’s because I heard a snippet of the song or something that reminded me of the song recently. Other times, a song pops into my head for no reason I can fathom and demands that I give it a few spins before my brain moves on to the next earworm. Such is the case with this cut from Peter Schilling, “Major Tom (Coming Home).”
Yesterday I was minding my own business and it just wedged itself into my my head. Clearly that means I should share it on my blog so that it can go on to infect others.
It’s hard to believe, and perhaps a bit unsettling, that “Major Tom” was released more than 40 years ago. Despite its age, it sounds just as fresh and exciting to me today as it did the first time I stumbled on the video on MTV. Score one for the Internet that you can just dial up the video any time you want rather than waiting around for it to show up again on MTV or pop up on the radio.
If we haven’t put this one on a gold disc on its way out of the solar system, we really ought to get to it.
I was sad to learn over the weekend that former president Jimmy Carter has entered hospice care. But I’m not surprised that President Carter is facing the end of his life the same way he’s behaved his entire life – with dignity and grace.
Carter was the first person I voted for for president, with an asterisk. The asterisk being that I was in middle school and I voted for Carter in a mock election. It’d be a few more cycles before I was actually old enough to cast an official ballot, which I did, with the same disappointing results.
He lost the mock election by about the same margin that he lost the actual election. Kids took cues from their parents about who to vote for, and parroted political ads and talking points when we discussed it in class. It was an early lesson for me in just how pervasive and toxic political ads and such could be.
He took office at a very difficult time. Post-Watergate, post-Vietnam, gas crisis, hostage crisis… disco… he was blamed or took the brunt of a lot of issues he had no hand in creating.
I have only vague memories of the headlines during his term, and Doonesbury’s commentary on his presidency as it happened. But I know my father was pro-Carter and seemed to approve of the job he was doing. Mostly. My dad was not one to give a pass to a politician just because he voted for them. I do know he voted for Carter twice, and wasn’t pleased that Reagan won.
But, I can say that Carter has been a model ex-president and seems to have dedicated his post-presidency life to helping people. He seems to embody the Christian values he champions, and that deserves respect. He seems like a kind, humble, decent person. Those are in short supply. He certainly stands in stark contrast to others who’ve held the office since.
Entering hospice care, publicly, is just one more way that President Carter is leading by example. I’m saddened by its necessity, but I deeply respect his decision to choose to end medical intervention to prolong life and instead receive hospice care to face end of life with dignity. I hope that will spark some conversations and planning for others, because it’s a tough road to navigate in any event but doubly so if you put off those discussions until they’re necessary.
I hope that his remaining days are pain-free and peaceful, and to see more like him in the White House before I reach the end of mine. Godspeed, President Carter.
(I couldn’t resist the cheap shot at disco, because it was a very 80s thing to do. In retrospect, I actually quite like a lot of disco music and it’s just one of many things I’d school younger me about if I had the chance to go back in time and have a conversation with him. Not the top of the list, but it’d be on the list.)
Today has been a fine, lazy Caturday here in Durham. Spring is nudging Winter out of the way, but not without a little push-back. Seems like a good day to post a few pictures of Sam, the ringleader of the former Knox Street gang.
Sam is the most cat-like cat out of the crew. He’s proud, aloof, stubborn, troublesome, but also adorable. And knows it.
Hope you’re having a good Caturday. Time to dish out the kibble and enjoy the rest of the evening.
Nice post I discovered on the Orange site today, “I don’t like making the best things.” Short summary, trying to make the “best” things gets in the way of doing things we enjoy.
Specifically the author talks about blogging less often after they discovered they “only want to publish the best things, so I didn’t publish at all.”
Not exactly a new concept, but one that we probably all need to hear or read on a regular basis. It’s certainly something that’s blocked me quite a bit. Feeling like you always need to put something out that’s perfect is a really good way to never get things done. It’s the enemy of fun and the enemy of productivity.
Especially on a personal blog, there’s no reason things need to be perfect. While it’d be nice if everything I wrote was perfect, it doesn’t need to be. Mainly I want to get some thoughts out of my head (too many in there anyway) and maybe start some conversations.
Maybe I’ll give somebody else an idea, maybe I’ll get a comment that teaches me something or helps me think about something a different way. Mostly? I just enjoy writing when I get out of my own way and do it. I hope others enjoy it as well. If not, well, it’s not like they made a major investment to get it.
I know for a fact I enjoy having completed something, even something imperfect, more than I like looking at something unfinished or having nothing to show for perfectionism.
Happy Wednesday. Seems like a good day for some cat pictures. Enjoy!