AI-generated image of an illustration of a mixtape type thing. It looks like an unholy combination of a mixtape and boombox.
“Now and Then,” the last (?) Beatles single drops

I’ve been a Beatles fan since I was 7, nearly 50 years now. There’s only two Beatles songs I that I actively don’t like* and then the rest of the […]

Today’s Read: Exit, Voice, Loyalty, Neglect

Caught this on HN. “Exit, Voice, Loyalty, Neglect: Why People Leave, Stay, or Try to Burn It All Down,” by Brett & Kate McKay. The exit, voice, loyalty, neglect (EVLN) […]

AI-generated picture of a cat staring at a computer, in a woodcut / watercolor style.
Why I’m going to stop saying “I don’t like people”

I often say that “I don’t like people,” but I realized recently that it’s something that I really need to stop saying. Not least of which because it’s not really […]

Cupcake has opinions

Cupcake is our resident movie critic. I don’t think she cared for tonight’s movie.

WTF!? New site

I claimed this domain some time ago – more than six years ago, at least – but hadn’t quite figured out what I wanted to do with it. After paying […]

Sick kitty

A few days ago I noticed that Lilah wasn’t eating very much. She’s never been particularly food-motivated, and it’s not uncommon for her to ignore her kibble all day and […]

Sam, a housecat, sitting on the back of a couch facing the camera.
A fine February Caturday

Today has been a fine, lazy Caturday here in Durham. Spring is nudging Winter out of the way, but not without a little push-back. Seems like a good day to […]

Sir Wobbles mugging for the camera

Happy Wednesday. Seems like a good day for some cat pictures. Enjoy!

Lilah, a tuxedo cat, looks curiously at the camera and has her paws tucked neatly to the side.
Friday Fancycat

Today was vet visit day. As is custom, I gave Lilah a few doses of Gabapentin ahead of the vet visit so she’d be manageable and not try to use […]

Bubby, aka, Bubby Merps, black cat face looking curious or startled.
Celebrating Bubby’s gotcha day

Four years and one day ago, Meg forwarded me an email she received as a volunteer cat foster. It was titled “last chance for Bubby” and it included a picture […]